Friday, March 25

Eeek! Apparently I' m moving tomorrow! Spent a big part of the day packing my stuff and buying a double bed. Okay, the bed-buying thing only took 30 minutes and the packing consisted of putting all my clothes in bin-bags and then realised all my other personal belongings would fit in 3 cardboard boxes. (With exception for a couple of larger items)

And because with a bit of luck it'll be the last night I spend at my parent's place without me having to ask permission first, I decided to "celebrate" this in "de Tijd" in Dordrecht with Belgian beers, McR and Nicktor. Possibly not the brightest idea ever to have 2 thirds of your moving crew drink strong Belgian beer till 3 in the morning, the night before you move. Opted for the somewhat lighter beers instead, and sadly enough spend the night playing a "Dungeons and Dragons" boardgame. Sad because earlier I had told McR not to bring in his laptop because that would make us look like geeks. (I fear that Dungeons and Dragons had the same effect for us)

Thought it was terribly funny that when I drunk-texted Lorraine in Siberia, she replied with:"Argh, hangover, alcohol sucks". This worked as a wake-up call for me to switch to lighter beers so that my move to Rotterdam would be a bit smoother. Thanks for that, lorraine!!!