Thursday, July 24

Kitten update

Well... seeing as I managed to more or less end this blog with kittens arriving, let's pick up with the past 10 months of kittens. After being shy for a couple of weeks, a period of Wodan peeing places where he probably wasn't supposed to (including even once our bed), Wodan running away for a day and lots of shouting either:"Wodan, no!" or "Kissa, no!", both of them have settled more or less.

Wodan is now a giant red male cat who for some reasons loves running taps and doesn't even really mind if you try washing him under one. Then Wodan is obsessed with water, in the past 3 days, he knocked over a flower vase 3 times already (at the last attempt it broke, so I guess Wodan won). Kissa is a bit more slimmer and into high surfaces and jumping. Both like to watch stuff happening outside under our balcony. Both look suicidal enough for us to shout them away from their moments of:"Hey, let's look like we might jump down from this 4 floor high balcony".

As for me... I could be doing worse as well. Might update you on that one next time.

Her majesty

Her majesty
Originally uploaded by selmerv
Yes, I know, haven't blogged in ages. Am still alive, might have loads of things to tell you all about. Will probably have to do so more often. But let's start slowly. After buying a new camera last weekend I've been taking loads of photos of things. Really liked this one of Kissa staring at a fly.