Monday, February 14

St valentine's day. During my birthday abduction thingo a couple of weeks ago, girlfriend spoke the mysterious words. "You don't need to do anything about it, but it would be nice if you dit" followed by the even more cryptic:"And this is without subtext". Almost shorted my brains trying to figure this one out and because of this (actually I blame girlfriend taking me porn-watching yesterday), I ended up without a present on the day itself. I tried to claim yesterday's euromast membership as an early present but girlfriend still made me pay for dinner as punishment as obviously she had found the time to get me a present.

Lorraine, I'm in desperate need of more girlfriend tutorial-classes. Please come back home!!!

Dinner at "de Waag", hiding in a souvenir-shop during a hailstorm and finally some drinks in what claims to be "Amsterdam's oldest pub" before I took off for my hotel so that I could pass out on my bed.