Saturday, February 5

Mum really appears to be jumping at the opportunity to kick me out. Found myself actually looking at a 3 bedroom appartment in the afternoon. For the price the place appears to be pretty okay, the girl currently living there is paying ? 240 in rent, which is supposed to be upped to ? 260 this year. I'm willing to pay ? 300 at most, now there are only one thing keeping me from actually getting this place, the owner might still decide to sell it, no way that I'm buying a place in the area the appartment is in. (For those familiar in Rotterdam, it's in de "Walchersestraat", near Zuidplein.) Should be an okay place for living for one or two years but not much more (famous last words??) I believe fingers crossed. Oh, the girl living would also sell me most of her furniture (including a refrigerator, a couch, a washing machine, etc. etc.)

Eventually took of for Zeist to celebrate sinterklaas with friends. Have to say that there was a disproportionate ammount of porn for what' s supposed to be a children's feast. Some really mean sinterklaas-poems written by McR, Martina, Lorraine and I fear me alternated with a pretty friendly one by Arjan. He may still need to learn.

After everybody took off ended up hitting the clubs with Arjan + Marco (one of Arjan's friend). Spent most of the night chatting up 14 year old girls and texting girlfriend every 30 minutes to make sure she wouldn't fall asleep. Girlfriend appears to be unaware of the possibilities the off-button offers on mobile phone but does start sounding more and more agitated, the later (or earlier) it gets.