Thursday, February 17

Interesting phonecall on the way to work. Apparently I'm now moving into an appartment starting the 1st of March, apparently this will cost me 300 euro's and apparently the bastards want me to pay 790. 40 euro cash in advance. (Nope, you can't transfer this by bank). (The 790.40 euro is 300 euro rent, 300 euro deposit and 190.40 euro administration costs. Apparently there's shitloads to administer on houses)

Somehow mum volunteered to pay for buying loads of furniture from the girl who used to live there. (Couch, Freezer, Washing machine, etc. etc.). And sister offered me half the stuff currently vacating her house and a fridge (she's apparently moving in May). If stuff keeps coming in at this rate, then I won't even need to buy any furniture myself. Oh well, I've already got the essentials (computer, guitar and bed), right?

Managed to book a plane-ticket back from Italy at night while visiting girlfriend. Yes Crissy, you read that correctly, I somewhat failed to book a ticket into Italy but I already know that I'll be flying out from Pisa on the 21st of May