Friday, February 3

Sat on couch, read (e)-books. Project Gutenberg is brilliant once you combine it with a PDA with a good resolution! Yes, I may still need to pay for any new books I'd like to read, but now I get to brush up on my classics for no cost at all!

The book of the moment is How I found doctor Livingstone by whom other than Stanley himself. The hardships of the African jungle tend to get a bit repetitive after a while but who wouldn't be intrigued by an expedition into the inlands of Africa where one of the main concerns still is how much cloth and how many beads to bring to give to the African tribes. Apparently even the kind of bead matters, some beads are highly valued by one tribe, while they would be near worthless at the next tribe. And there's plenty of other brilliant books out there for example how about Thomas Steven's book about how he rode around the world on a bicycle in 1884?