Monday, May 30

Hmmm... Lorraine pointed out that Liverpool won the finals, instead of Leeds. Doh! Apart from that a pretty uneventful day, well... somebody visited to check my place and apparently I'm now certified to officially live here. And the Eels cd I bought at the concert yesterday turns out to be brilliant. Oh and my roof started leaking again *gaaaaah!*.

The lady at the rental place appeared to be severely unimpressed with my roof leaking and even less so with me pointing out that last time it took them 3 weeks before somebody even contacted me. "We called the people that are supposed to fix your place within the day". My reply:"But after that it took 3 weeks" did give some reaction:"I'll make a note of this". Hmmmm... Have decided that this time I'll refuse to call any people other than my rental people. And I'll be calling them often this time. They're the ones supposed to fix my place, I don't own a house, why on earth should I be calling the home-owners?

Spent the night playing with my playstation. (And doing some useful things not really worth mentioning)