Saturday, January 27


An eventful week this far, turning 30 meant presents, such as lots of clots from my mum, cds from Kaz and even girlfriend moving in from girlfriend.

Yes, I kind of requested the last present and am now somewhere halfway between:"Eeeek!" and "Weehee, I'm getting rich!". Yes, that's the territory where I actually believe it'll be fun to have girlfriend move in. Keep watching this space for more details (at the moment we still need to decide on dates, for example).

Also the week where girlfriend decided that we really needed to book the tickets for Singapore so we did just that. For some reason I doubt that flying from Paris through Sri-lanka to Singapore and taking 18 hours to do so is the fastest option but at least it'll prove to be interesting. Yay, I'm going back to Thailand.

Then yesterday I had my 16 year old cousin over, she dyed my hair, we ate apple-pie and visited a Mac Donald's. Basically the useful stuff.

And lastly I may need a wireless keyboard (or Guitar Hero for the PS2). Trying to prove that I'm not really that old, I discovered. Frets on Fire, which makes you look like an arse jumping up and down while holding your keyboard like it's a guitar. But it's a lot more fun than it should be. What do you recon, should I get guitar hero or a wireless keyboard? Or both?