Friday, June 2

Versailles, part 1.

Originally uploaded by selmerv.
I know, it's not the picture that should go with a Versailles-trip. But I still needed to show you all a shot of my back after Cuba. While on the boat trip, I quickly slapped some sunblock on my shoulders and then managed to burn the rest of my back. Apparently the sunblock did it's work :-)

Day consisted of a 5 hour drive Paris-wards, followed by at least an hour and a half being stuck on the Périphérique. Note to self:"Arriving at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon is not your brightest idea ever". Then mis understanding sattelite navigation and being forced to drive 3/4 around Paris instead of just 1/4 probably isn't exactly bright either.

Fortunately found a camping before we even started thinking of looking for one (the Versailles camping is really pretty great, a short walk away from both the station as well as the castle, it's one of the better campings I've stayed on in the past couple of years. Okay, festival campings aren't that hard to beat and nature campings in Australia are pretty easy to beat in the facility-department. But it did beat many Italian campings hands down :-)

Lots of Baguettes and cheese at night.