Saturday, June 3

She salutes!!

Originally uploaded by selmerv.
Finally, after a year and a half, all the training I've put into girlfriend is starting to pay off. As you can see in the photo, she now salutes me when it's needed. I wonder what else I can make her do :-)

Woke up at a reasonable time and set out to explore the Versailles castle. (For those wanting to see all the photo's I took during our Versaille trip, check out my Flickr-page) The moment we walked into the castle square, we spotted a pretty large queue and a sign saying:"Wait from here is 90 minutes". Fortunately we were bright enough to go and check what everybody was waiting for, the reply:"Well... if you want a day pass, just walk over to the coach museum, nobody goes there". And owners of a day-pass could skip all the other queues as well. Now that's 20 euro's well spent :-)

Did loads of castelly-stuff before eventually walking back home again and eating.