Thursday, June 2

Went to see "Marilyn Manson" in Amsterdam with McR. Seeing as I was already working all day in Amsterdam, I just decided to stick around and wait till McR would show up. Got a pretty distressing phonecall after a while:"I'm coming in and I'm wearing make-up". Gave running away some thought but then decided that mates should remain mates even when they're covered in mascara, lipgloss and whatever else.

In the end the damage wasn't too bad, black nailpolish, some lipgloss, and some eyeliner on his face. At least my kid sister had made sure it was all done somewhat tastefully. Even better, this camouflage made him look almost normal with the rest of the concert visitors, varying from full on goths to 14 year old boys wearing:"I am the god of fuck" t-shirts, while waiting for their balls to drop. Much fun was had by all.