Sunday, February 18

Fun fun fun

As you probably already noticed, I switched from writing on a daily basis to writing whenever something interesting happens. Or at least... that was what I was planning on doing. Unfortunately whenever interesting stuff happens, there's no time to write it down.

The past week has been a mix of electricity problems (I'm currently without electricity in the kitchen) girlfriend attempting to move in, work, another fun holiday coming up and cocktails.

The electricity problems are the most annoying, this far it has cost me 100 euros to find out that my dishwasher is actually okay (whenever I switched it on, the breaker-switch would flip and we'd be without electricity). Unfortunately over the weekend the problem worsened a bit due to which when I now try to switch on electricity for the kitchen, I see sparks and then the breaker-switch flips back again. Yes, that shouldn't be the case. Guess we'll have to get an electrician in now, expect more money to be spent.

Girlfriends attempts to move are causing loads of stuff to pop up in my place. I'm now the proud owner of bras, books on feminism and even a couple of Brian Adams-cds. Whenever girlfriend's not around I'm now dancing around in her bra, while singing along to Brian Adams. Still need to think on how to fit in feminism in this ritual. Maybe I should try burning the bra.

The fun holiday will be Budapest in August with Sar, Jess, Kaz and plenty of others, which will be the main reason for the roadtrip Nicktor, McR and I are going to attempt. (Just driving up and down to Budapest sounds a bit silly) Really looking forward to this one.

And last night I started off at Nicktor's place for cocktails with Annemarie, girlfriend, McR and obviously Nicktor. Eventually McR and I took off to Rotown to see Belgian band Montevideo play (had never heard of them before but they sounded cool) Girlfriend appeared somewhat un-sober by the time she stumbled back in.