Saturday, October 21

One large beer please

One large beer please
Originally uploaded by selmerv.
Last time girlfriend and I were in Paris, girlfriend promised me that she would let me visit the Louvre next time we'd make it to Paris. This time she claimed the Louvre sucked balls and that she didn't want to go there.

Cried, made a puppy face and off course girlfriend could resist my charming personality. At least provided it wouldn't be too busy, girlfriend added. (Probably thinking:"Not busy on a Saturday, Hah!". Fortunately for me, indeed:"Not busy on a Saturday, Hah!" Enjoyed the afternoon in fairly un-busy Louvre.

After our museum visit, we teamed up with Crissy and Dan + Crissy's sister, brother in law and niece. Had a beer somewhere and learnt the lesson to enquire first what the exact size of a large beer is in a certain pub. Wasn't really expecting the liter pint of beer they gave me as "the large pint". Had somewhat hazy fun.