Friday, October 20

Drunk? Me?

How hard can it be?
Originally uploaded by selmerv.
Today was the day where girlfriend and I would make our way to Paris and team up with
Dan and Crissy. Did just that and even managed to get rid of our car somewhere in a shopping centre. Unfortunately we were somewhat undecided on whether our car'd still be there when we'd get back but hey, at least we had parked.

Got to our hotel (not too bad for a cheap-ass hotel), checked in, and eventually walked to Louvre pyramid where we were hooking up with Dan and Crissy. Have to say that they don't look anything like a butt-plug (Crissy claimed otherwise).

After a stop at the Canadian pub for poutine and a 9% beer before this poutine *hic*, we had beers in another pub with a wairess who was obviously new to the waitressing-business (yay, cheap beer!), girlfriend and I stumbled back home. Actually I was a whole lot more sober than I look in this photo, I was just having issues keeping my eyes open :-)