Sunday, July 10

Woke up at a pretty silly hour because for some reason Cindy and I had decided we wanted to go to what used to be Sixflags Holland. Picked up Femke (who also appeared to be suffering from waking up early) and drove on towards Cindy, where we teamed up with McR and Arjan.

After arriving at the park 1.5 hours later, we teamed up with McR, Nicktor and Jasper and had loads of fun. For some reason it was both brilliant weather and very quiet, which meant plenty of time to do all the rides multiple times. (Did consider throwing up once or twice). For the interested ones, check Arjan's photos. And if you plan on only watching 1 of his films, then opt for this brilliant one of me and McR in the X-press (which used to be called:"Superman, the ride")

All left the park somewhat dizzy and drove on towards Harderwijk for a brilliant outside dinner. Silly moment of the day:"Nicktor pouring his water bottle over my head when I mentioned that I wanted to do something envolving water."