Saturday, September 17

Spent the afternoon strolling through Rotterdam. Bought "Oliver Twist" and "David Copperfield" for cheap, also bought "Connected" by the Stereo MC's (had been meaning to buy that ever since I saw them perform at the Lowlands festival a couple of years ago but never got round to it). Also spent some time in the new music shop in the city center wondering what other music instruments I need. I'm definitely in need of a bass guitar but then mandolines are pretty cheap. Oh, something drum-ish might be fun as well (those would have to be digital then though). Yep, I won't let lack of talent stop me here :-)

At night popped by Rijsoord for the 5-annual gondelvaart (where they decorate the riversides with lights boat around in decorated boats and have fireworks afterwards). Nothing too great but nice enough to have a look at once every 5 years. Got to shout abuse at a guy who kept riding his bike into my ankles.

Then drove back Rotterdam-wards, where I tried hooking up with Nicktor in "de Consul", then found out that Nicktor had meant "Villa" instead and drove there. Found Marlies and Annemarie there as well, had a beer and then everybody disappeared into the night again.